Friday, June 4, 2010

Dear friends,

We're working on a new collection of local writing. It's going to be fresh, exciting, and it's going to be published (read: on paper, in an actual book). We're looking at getting sponsorship from NAC and everything, so, all in all, it's shaping up pretty well.

Of course, first we need content, and that's where you come in. Approximately fifteen pieces will be chosen from the entries that we receive. Each of them will be beautifully bound and published in a sleek little book with sharp pages. If you've ever wanted to get published, here's your chance.

Reasons why you should submit something:
  1. Chosen submissions will be published (read: on paper, in an actual book, with the author's name prominently displayed).
  2. Even if you don't get selected, you'll have written something you feel is worthy of publication. That's something to be proud of. Most of us have stories floating around in our heads waiting to be pinned unto paper. Here's your chance to write that story.
  3. There's really nothing to lose here.
Even if you won't be submitting a piece, please spread the word to friends whom you think might! We're looking for submissions from as many different people as possible.

  • Submissions must not exceed 5000 words in length. There is no minimum length.
  • We're looking for prose writing - short fiction, essays or extracts from forthcoming works. Poetry will not be accepted.
  • There is no theme. All we ask for is your best work.
  • Authors must be Singaporean or Singaporean PRs. The reason for this is that NAC only sponsors Singaporean works.
  • Submissions should not contain any racist, overly sexual, or subversive themes. This is, again, due to NAC's policies.
  • The piece must be "new" in the sense that it is "unpublished in print form" - this makes life much easier in terms of rights. Feel free to polish and submit a previously-written piece that hasn't already been published in print.
  • You can submit as many pieces as you like, but no more than two pieces per author will be published. Each piece will be assessed on its own merit.
  • Submission can be in any reasonable digital format. Preferably MS Word or .txt files. In anticipation of scanned submissions - .jpg files don't count as "reasonable" formats.
Please note that we are unable to return any material received.
Deadline is 31ST AUGUST 2010. All submissions and enquiries should be sent to


Q: Why aren't you accepting poetry?
A: Singapore already has a thriving community of poets and poetry - conversely, there is a noticeable dearth of Singaporean prose writing. We're looking to do something different, something fresh. Even if you usually write poetry, I'm sure you have it in you to write some sort of prose.

Q: How are you guys getting funded?
A: We're trying to get a publishing grant from the NAC. If that doesn't work out, we'll be sinking in our own capital. In which case, do support us by buying the published copy.

Q: Why are you doing this?
A: Because we know that there are plenty of ordinary people out there who are writing - not as a profession or with any real hope of getting published - and they are producing really good material that is not getting read. We think it's unfair that to be published you have to be a Writer with a capital W. All you need are words, and we want to give people somewhere to put them.

Q: Is the collection going to be called "New Singapore Writing"?
A: No, we're quite aware that this is the Worst Name. We'll come up with something suitably artistic soon. Suggestions are welcome.

We look forward to your submissions,
Ryan and Reuben